Hippos Can't Swim and Other Fun Facts

Hippos Can't Swim and Other Fun Facts

Authors: Laura Lyn DiSiena and Hannah Eliot

Illustrator: Pete Oswald

Genre: Nonfiction

Major Awards: None

Grade Level: K-4

Summary: This book is a compilation of animal facts. It includes tons of "Did you know?" questions about sea creatures, insects, and mammals. At the end of the books there is another page with about the animals mentioned with even more facts to accompany the small illustrations.

Evaluation: I know you aren't supposed to judge a book by its cover, but the first time I laid eyes on this one I knew it would be perfect for captivating children. Its illustrations are humorous and colorful and the information is interesting. I think it is the perfect addition to a nonfiction shelf in the classroom.

The text is not too complex, but contains information that kids of any age would like to read about if they were interested in animals. I think this would make a great readaloud if there is some time left at the end of the day or for children to read on their own. Younger children would simply enjoy "reading" it for the illustrations.

Unless the class was doing a project on all different types of animals, I do not think I would incorporate this into a unit. They could use it as a research tool if it related to something during the class. Other than that I think it is just a great book to have that introduces children the animal kingdom as well as one that gets them excited about reading.
