Llama Llama Red Pajama

Llama Llama Red Pajama

Author and Illustrator: Anna Dewdney

Genre: Animal Fantasy

Major Awards: New York Times Best Seller

Grade Level: Pre-K-K

Summary: After Mama Llama tucks in Baby Llama for bed, he suddenly cannot sleep and longs for his mother. At first he calls for a drink of water. His mother says she will just be a minute...but then he hears the phone ring. He waits for what seems like hours, crying and scared that she left him. He starts to throw a tantrum when she finally shows up and tucks him back in and lets him know that she will always be with him even if she isn't in the same room. The story ends with Baby Llama falling fast asleep.

Evaluation: I think this is a great audio book to share with my students during a moment that might be lagging during the day. It brings up a very real fear for young children and helps them learn to deal with a difficult experience.

After reading/listening to this book, it is very obvious that it is for younger children. The rhyming scheme and simple story line ensures that the content does not go above their heads.

I would like to let my children listen to this, but I do not think I would tie it into a lesson persay.

Link to Audio Book: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VvtRzP6ZTS4
